
the story

近幾年在街頭看到年輕弟弟妹妹的意氣昂揚, 總會想到求學階段對自己未來的想望. honestly, i never thought i need to be through what i've been through to be current me.


#story, by brandi carlilie

the story described in below pages, in the end, turned out to be a miserable one after six years. it's because this relationship, i learnt a lot in my twenties, though raw and tough, i'm really thankful to those experience. it's good to have chance tearing off the bourgeoisie thoughts in one's youth.

i still feel uncomfortable when thinking my years of fighting to my families' prejudice and arrogance toward my sexuality, it's really very painful to swallow all the bitterness when you knew you have nothing to fight. and it's really too cruel to demand a youth to choose between the nature and the family...

but, the point is, things really will be better, we'll grow stronger, learn more than those rude people, help ourselves, help each other and try to make a better world for those we care. just keep going and being positively alive to see it…

