
goodbye, 2010...


父親診斷出淋巴癌第三期, 持續陪伴父母親渡過診斷、辛苦的化療過程,希望整個療程順利...

最好的兩位高中死黨, 年底, 一位在多年與大腸癌奮鬥後告別, 一位在多年努力做人後終於喜獲麟子...

工作一樣恐怖級的忙碌, 年中時失去一位得力助手, 努力維持並重建整體戰力, 算是也好好渡過且交出算漂亮的部門成績單...


most influential books

What is your favorite — no, no no,
Your most... influential, important, life-altering book,
of all time? (Marina, the L Word, Pilot episode)

here are my 10 most influential books


the story

近幾年在街頭看到年輕弟弟妹妹的意氣昂揚, 總會想到求學階段對自己未來的想望. honestly, i never thought i need to be through what i've been through to be current me.



Call me by your name

reading about Orange's naming story, i recalled this romantic book

my name story...



haven't wrote for weeks, busy on some family issue, back and forth between taipei and hsinchu frequently thru THSRC and TRTC, helping parents to walk through tough period, wish things go well with them...

surveying some cases of my hometown, 永和, love some building around 永安市場,四號公園. maybe it's time to have my 2nd estate, maybe i'll move back to taipei years later...


my great singer-songwriter, jane siberry [2]

i had ragged years back between 1994 and 2000, expelled from home, moving around, fooling around, lousy relationship, somtimes living hand to mouth.


my great singer-songwriter, jane siberry [1]

i won't say much about her career here, which everyone can find most of themon the wiki
jane's official website
news of jane on the globe and mail
all of jane's music, including album works, to share for free and 'pay it forward'

i've been thinking i might be the only one fan of jane siberry here in taiwan
so i finally decide to have my say about falling for her
as the pay it forward for her great works


chely wright's story

i'd known this news in early May, but since i'm not a big fan of country music, didn't know this singer,so i hadn't really read her story until i got the June issue of the Curve...

wow, it really means a lot for a successful country singer to come out. and it's really a true lesson for us to aware how conservative the most of the americans are.

- the original interview from the people #20100517


a sad game of the team (the mannschaft)

I really don't think there should be so many yellow cards, it made the game going too dramatic! surely the early leaving of klose had huge impact, the team got so tired. but the team lost too many chances themselves, especially podolski!

still hope they have chance to enter the 2nd round, but they are having so many yellow cards with them...

I'm sad!